Hello, I'm Abdikaliq!
Hello, I'm Abdikaliq!

Hello, I'm Abdikaliq!

Graduated from Oxford, completed a stint in big corporate as a strategy consultant for Oliver Wyman and worked as software engineer #9 for an early stage start-up. Now building meetmore.ai - found out more here! My interests fall into two main buckets:
Tech, start-ups and entrepreneurship. Snowden & Michael Bazell taught me the power of tech. Start-ups and Entrepreneurship taught me its gift of agency, leverage and freedom. I’m extremely lucky to have been born in the blip of time between Agricultural Feudalism and AGI feudalism. I do not intend to let my luck go to waste and am passionate about making an outsized, positive impact on the world.
Everything else. I love learning and there are so many things that capture my interest. From macro-economics to aspects of human psychology to state-building and everything in between! Sucks that competition means you can’t make as much time to just chill and read to your hearts content. But one day….

Some Building Highlights

BookB - A Netflix for Physical Books (Apr 2019 - Dec 2019)
Dowdier - Feedback on GCSE English Answers with AI (2022)


Feel free to reach out - I'm keen on growing my internet friends and always happy to chat😄

DM me @AbdikaliqIge On Twitter
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Latest Blog Articles

Only had 1 blog post so far, not worth paying for hosting….so here is the archived link.

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